Club Info
The RSVC needs your help!
We are in need of volunteers to fill a variety of team positions. Please consider volunteering your time to help with needs of these special dogs.
RSVC Merchandise
The RSVC has a variety of merchandise available to order online or at many of our club events. Your support in purchasing RSVC merchandise greatly helps our club and our Vizsla rescue program.
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RSVC Merchandise
The RSVC has a variety of merchandise available to order online or at many of our club events. Your support in purchasing RSVC merchandise greatly helps our club and our Vizsla rescue program.
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Here is a list of common terms used, this is not a complete list but will help with becoming acquainted with our language.
DOG - a male
BITCH - a female
AKC CONFORMATION SHOW - dog show, given either by a specialty club (like the Rio Salado Vizsla Club), national club (like the Vizsla Club of America) or an all breed club (like the Sahuaro State Kennel Club.)
AKC OBEDIENCE TRIAL - the obedience competition, given either by a specialty club, national club, an obedience club (like Phoenix Field & Obedience), or an all breed club.
AKC HUNTING TEST - a field event that involves a course the dogs run along, game birds placed in a designated area, two dogs and their handlers, the two judges, and the two gunners.
AKC FIELD TRIAL - a field event involving a course, game birds, two dogs and their handlers, two judges that are often on horseback and gunners. It has different levels of competition and entry requirements than a hunting test.
VCA VERSATILITY - event that combines field, show, and conformation.
AKC CANINE GOOD CITIZEN (CGC) - event that shows your dog is friendly and obedient enough to be out in public.
RSVC - Rio Salado Vizsla Club
AKC - American Kennel Club
VCA - Vizsla Club of America
CLASS - a division where the entrants can share a common denominator such as age, sex, relationship to handler, experience, or prior title.
PREMIUM LIST - the brochure sent out advertising an event (show, obedience, hunting test, and field trial.
JUDGING PROGRAM - notice sent out just before a dog show or obedience trial that lists the number of entries in the classes and judging times. Also confirms your entry in the event.
CATALOG - the booklet that lists all of the entrants in a show or obedience trial. Not available until the day of the event.
RUNNING ORDER - notice sent out just before a hunting test that lists all of the entries by level, the bracemates, and handlers.
EVENT CHAIRPERSON - person who coordinates an event.
EVENT SECRETARY - person who sends out the premium list, receives the entries, and records the results of an event.
BIRDY - reference to when a dog shows interest in birds.
FLAGGING - when a dog wags his tail while pointing a bird, often seen in a younger dog that is about to move in on the pointed bird
STEADY TO WING - when a dog remains in place while a bird is flushed from cover in a hunting test and field trial.
STEADY TO SHOT - when a dog remains in place while the bird is shot in a hunting test and field trial.
SEND - when the handler gives a command to the dog to fetch a shot bird.
WHOA - command handler gives to dog to stop or steady them while in the field.
STAY - command handler gives a dog to stay in one place in obedience trial.
BRACE - a pair of dogs that run together in a field event, each with a separate handler; or a pair of dogs that work at same time with one handler in an obedience trial.
STACKING - the positioning of a dog in the show ring.
MARSHAL - person in a field event that calls the dogs to the start line or is in charge of the spectators that follow the dogs in a field event.
GALLERY - spectators that follow behind the dogs in a field event.
SHOW STEWARD - person that assists judge and calls entrants to the ring in a show and obedience trial.
BYE DOG - a dog in a field event that does not have a brace mate due to uneven numbers entered in that level or due to a dog withdrawing from that level. It is NOT the term used for the dog that is chosen to run with the un-braced dog.
Club Info
The RSVC needs your help!
We are in need of volunteers to fill a variety of team positions. Please consider volunteering your time to help with needs of these special dogs.
RSVC Merchandise
The RSVC has a variety of merchandise available to order online or at many of our club events. Your support in purchasing RSVC merchandise greatly helps our club and our Vizsla rescue program.
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